But I'm blogging instead. =D
It's been a little while since my last blog. School has started. I've already found the one class I can't stand (it seems like EVERY YEAR, there's one), Writing Club is kicking ass and taking names, and I'm procrastinating.
What is the subject of this procrastination, you ask?
Well, dear curious reader, I will tell you.
Lately, I've realized an abundance of adorable animal commercials. You know. The kinds that make you stop whatever you're doing, sigh, and go, "Awww."
You know what I'm talking about. The Geico gecko. The Cottonelle puppy. ELI FRICKIN' ROTH (Why, yes. He is a cute animal.)

I tend to find that the ability to be able to pull off a face-full of blood is incredibly sexy in a man.
I want to take the time to post some of my favorite cute animal advertisements. Do you have a favorite? Anything that makes your icy void of a soul melt for the 60 seconds that the commercial is playing, giving you just long enough to begin to contemplate not throwing your TI-84 at that idiot teacher of yours?
...Maybe that's just me.
Anyway. =D Here be some cute critters for ya.
Now, I'm not the biggest PETA fan in the world--even as a vegetarian, I think they're a bit whacked--but the combination of adorable puppet snake and adorable Eli Roth is just too much. Seriously. I'm leaking gray matter from my nose.
(In case you're like me, AKA, obsessed with this man.)
Aaand for another ad:
My inspiration to go vegetarian initially was an adorable picture of two pink piggies (yes, on PETA). I still want a pet pig. (If you make a crack about eating pork in the comments like my dad does every time I say I love pigs--he does this weird lip smacking thing and looks at me like I'm an idiot--I will delete your comment. =D)
And of course, the Gecko.
Alright. I need to get into my homework. But please.:)Do you have a favorite? Anything that warms the cockles of your heart? (Yes. I really just said "cockles.") Comment. =D
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