Or at least, the Parisian airport.
I have about a million things I should be doing right now (cleaning, working on an essay due midnight, studying for an academic competition), but instead, I feel like I should publish this somewhere. A sticky-cheese truth I've known since I last flew to England.
Charles De Gaulle International is rotten. Rotten, rotten rotten.
Do you want to know why?
When I left for England, they departed 45 minutes late and made me miss my connection, stranding me in Paris for a few hours. Not a big deal, but terrifying for me, seeing as I had never travelled on my own before that.
Not good enough for you?
Okay. Allow me to elaborate what has happened today.
Danny (boyfriend) is flying from the UK to here. Made his flight into Paris on time. But you know what? KLM had a form that he needed to fill out.
One that he didn't know about.
He's had the tickets booked for a month. No news about this form at all.
So he had to stay in Paris a little longer to fill out the forms, besides the fact that his plane arrived late.
He missed his plane, long story short.
And CDG tried to charge him 2000 pounds for a new ticket.
Well, he and his father got this sorted. Thankfully.
But he's staying at the airport and will be leaving for here in the morning, missing a day of our trip.
So yeah. Sort of pissed.
Thought I'd share.
I'm a sheep. You're a sheep. We're everyone of us a sheep, sheep. Read on to hear this sheep's blatherings.
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Friday, February 18, 2011
Sunday, February 6, 2011
So I thought I'd make that list.
I mentioned in the last post that I had a list of my favorite bands. This is true. I used to be able to put it in order. I can no longer do this. But I can give a list.
And seeing as I'm not ready to go to sleep and I'm sick of studying, I am going to give you this said list.
My favorite bands are split into two categories. These are not the only things I listen to. I listen to a lot of things. A lot. My CD book is ponderous. And so is my milk crate overflowing with vinyl. But these next bands have been my favorites through the few years that I've lived thus far.
When I am more mentally awake, I shall expound on why I love these so. For it is my blog, and I shall do as I please. Muahahaha.
First are the CLASSICS. :D
My first and foremost and absolutely favorite band of ever ever ever is Queen.

My first love was Freddie Mercury. Long story, my friend.
I also adore the Beatles.

Okay. Neeext up is LE ZEPPELIN OF LED. =D

And theeeeen...

And I also love David Bowie. I know he's not technically a band. But I'm counting him.

And now for the MODERN bands. :D I know I probably could have been more creative with my category names.

And The Arctic Monkeys.

Aaaaand MUSE (saw them liiiive and you know you're jealous)

Also Green Day. Can't forget Green Day.

(Seen them TWICE. Got shot in the face with Billie Joe's Supersoaker at one of them.)
And The Bravery.

The White Striiipes.

And last but not least, The Raconteurs.

So. Did I do that just so I could sift through my favorite pictures of my favorite bands so I could relax enough to get some sleep? ...Yep. That's exactly what I did.
But I'll write about them more as things come up.
Love you guuuys. :D
And seeing as I'm not ready to go to sleep and I'm sick of studying, I am going to give you this said list.
My favorite bands are split into two categories. These are not the only things I listen to. I listen to a lot of things. A lot. My CD book is ponderous. And so is my milk crate overflowing with vinyl. But these next bands have been my favorites through the few years that I've lived thus far.
When I am more mentally awake, I shall expound on why I love these so. For it is my blog, and I shall do as I please. Muahahaha.
First are the CLASSICS. :D
My first and foremost and absolutely favorite band of ever ever ever is Queen.

My first love was Freddie Mercury. Long story, my friend.
I also adore the Beatles.

Okay. Neeext up is LE ZEPPELIN OF LED. =D

And theeeeen...

And I also love David Bowie. I know he's not technically a band. But I'm counting him.

And now for the MODERN bands. :D I know I probably could have been more creative with my category names.

And The Arctic Monkeys.

Aaaaand MUSE (saw them liiiive and you know you're jealous)

Also Green Day. Can't forget Green Day.

(Seen them TWICE. Got shot in the face with Billie Joe's Supersoaker at one of them.)
And The Bravery.

The White Striiipes.

And last but not least, The Raconteurs.

So. Did I do that just so I could sift through my favorite pictures of my favorite bands so I could relax enough to get some sleep? ...Yep. That's exactly what I did.
But I'll write about them more as things come up.
Love you guuuys. :D
The End of an Era
And by saying that this is the "end of an era," I mean that it is the end of a pretty big piece of my own, personal musical adolescence.
And that of millions of people around the world.
I know this is old news in the music world by now, but I wanted to discuss it here.
Last week, the White Stripes broke up.

When I found this out, I was scanning the New York Times website for news, and I saw a picture of Meg and Jack. Clicked. Read. And then proceeded to flip my proverbial shit.
And why did I flip, you ask? Well, the reason is this: The White Stripes were the Band That Was Never Supposed To Break Up. Meg and Jack, through the band's history, have been friends, lovers, husband and wife, divorcees, and "brother" and "sister." Meg even remarried on Jack's land, and Jack long ago opted to take Meg's surname.
They're tight, needless to say.
So I was reading about why they broke up, and the statement released from the press said that they had not broken up for, say, petty differences.
Or even artistic differences, for that matter.
They broke up because they thought that they had pretty much gone as far with their two-part band as they could without compromising the artistic integrity of the band.
They will be releasing no new albums (their last was released in 2007), and they'll be doing no more live shows.
To be honest, my first reaction to this was disappointment that I'll never be able to see them live. The White Stripes and their raw, delicious sound has made them one of my favorite bands (yes, I have a list) for the duration of my teenagerdom. I wanted nothing more than to see Meg and Jack batter away at their instruments on stage.
Surprisingly, I didn't cry about it.
I usually cry over everything.
Disney movies. Missing Led Zeppelin at the 02. Stubbing the hell out of my toe. My dog dying. Failing a quiz. Coming close to making a B in school.
I'm a cry baby.
No tears over this one, despite the disappointment.
I started to think about what this breakup meant, and realized that there's still The Raconteurs. And The Dead Weather. And Jack and Meg are still alive and well and doing amazingly.
So. They broke up. But there's still the music of the past, and there's still more music to come. And I'm okay with that.
PS: Sorry if this seems under par compared to the rest of my posts, but I'm at that point of tired where you're exhausted but can't sleep for the stress. It's a party, guys.
And that of millions of people around the world.
I know this is old news in the music world by now, but I wanted to discuss it here.
Last week, the White Stripes broke up.

When I found this out, I was scanning the New York Times website for news, and I saw a picture of Meg and Jack. Clicked. Read. And then proceeded to flip my proverbial shit.
And why did I flip, you ask? Well, the reason is this: The White Stripes were the Band That Was Never Supposed To Break Up. Meg and Jack, through the band's history, have been friends, lovers, husband and wife, divorcees, and "brother" and "sister." Meg even remarried on Jack's land, and Jack long ago opted to take Meg's surname.
They're tight, needless to say.
So I was reading about why they broke up, and the statement released from the press said that they had not broken up for, say, petty differences.
Or even artistic differences, for that matter.
They broke up because they thought that they had pretty much gone as far with their two-part band as they could without compromising the artistic integrity of the band.
They will be releasing no new albums (their last was released in 2007), and they'll be doing no more live shows.
To be honest, my first reaction to this was disappointment that I'll never be able to see them live. The White Stripes and their raw, delicious sound has made them one of my favorite bands (yes, I have a list) for the duration of my teenagerdom. I wanted nothing more than to see Meg and Jack batter away at their instruments on stage.
Surprisingly, I didn't cry about it.
I usually cry over everything.
Disney movies. Missing Led Zeppelin at the 02. Stubbing the hell out of my toe. My dog dying. Failing a quiz. Coming close to making a B in school.
I'm a cry baby.
No tears over this one, despite the disappointment.
I started to think about what this breakup meant, and realized that there's still The Raconteurs. And The Dead Weather. And Jack and Meg are still alive and well and doing amazingly.
So. They broke up. But there's still the music of the past, and there's still more music to come. And I'm okay with that.
PS: Sorry if this seems under par compared to the rest of my posts, but I'm at that point of tired where you're exhausted but can't sleep for the stress. It's a party, guys.
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